I've 2 servers and both of them using DA. I took backup of a reseller on my first server. Than moved the backup files to the new server under /home/reseller_dir/user_backups. I started the restore and only 3 of 15 domains restored. The error says.
Unable to exact backup/user.conf from /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom.tar.gz : Error while extracting backup/user.conf to /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom as cozum : /bin/tar: /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
I've ckeched all permission and owner settings. nothing helped.
Also i've checked the tar.gz file and seen that the directories backup/ and domain/ in it has the UID of 509 (username: debicom) and there is a user having the same UID in my new server. Could it be the problem.
I've 2 servers and both of them using DA. I took backup of a reseller on my first server. Than moved the backup files to the new server under /home/reseller_dir/user_backups. I started the restore and only 3 of 15 domains restored. The error says.
Unable to exact backup/user.conf from /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom.tar.gz : Error while extracting backup/user.conf to /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom as cozum : /bin/tar: /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
I've ckeched all permission and owner settings. nothing helped.
Also i've checked the tar.gz file and seen that the directories backup/ and domain/ in it has the UID of 509 (username: debicom) and there is a user having the same UID in my new server. Could it be the problem.