Restore Problem


Verified User
May 20, 2004

I've 2 servers and both of them using DA. I took backup of a reseller on my first server. Than moved the backup files to the new server under /home/reseller_dir/user_backups. I started the restore and only 3 of 15 domains restored. The error says.

Unable to exact backup/user.conf from /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom.tar.gz : Error while extracting backup/user.conf to /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom as cozum : /bin/tar: /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
/bin/tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now

I've ckeched all permission and owner settings. nothing helped.

Also i've checked the tar.gz file and seen that the directories backup/ and domain/ in it has the UID of 509 (username: debicom) and there is a user having the same UID in my new server. Could it be the problem.

That could possibly be the problem. I'd also suggest you try manually extracing the tarballs on another machine (Winzip will unpack them on Windows) to see if you've got anything missing. And manually checking the files as created on the new server to see if they've been created under the wrong username.

I checked the tarball, it seems nothing missing. that backup tarball also works on the old machine and restore is successful.
Then it may very well be the UID that's the problem.

John? We need some help here :) !

Unable to exact backup/user.conf from /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom.tar.gz : Error while extracting backup/user.conf to /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom as cozum : /bin/tar: /home/cozum/user_backups/debicom: Cannot chdir: No
... has the UID of 509 (username: debicom)

Take a look at the words in bold and try:
chown -R cozum:cozum /home/cozum/user_backups
i've already written that "I've ckeched all permission and owner settings. nothing helped." in my first message.

I moved all tarballs to admins user_backups directory and did the restore. It may be about the admins privileges. I don't know but there is always a problem about restoring tarballs in different (unclean) servers.

i think the restore procedure should be checked. It is a problem if a different user exits with the same uid of backed up user on new server.

The files are extract as the resller/admin himself so the system will always have the files inside chowned properly on the system. The same code is used for both admin level and reseller level backups. I've replied via email to this issue.. I think we're at checking the system quotas for the reseller? (admin's have unlimted quotas).

The error
/home/cozum/user_backups/debicom: Cannot chdir: No such file or directory
means the "debicom" directory wasn't created in the first place (chowned to cozum normally), hence my suspicion of the quotas for cozum.

If anyone else has this problem, please jump in. Inlclude which OS version and DA you're using. (Always make sure you use the latest version of DA before trying to fix something)


Sorry. I've seen this post after replying your mail. I've things to add.

cozum reseller has unlimited quota so i don't think the problem is about quota. As you know, i've restored successfully as reseller admin. After that i backed up the user debicom again, removed from admin and restored successfully as reseller cozum.

First thing that i've suspicion about is the uids. When i manually extract the tarballs "backup" and "domain" directory has owned by uid 509/509 which point to a different user in my server. Does cozum user couldn't have read the files because of this?
The extraction is done as user cozum, so it shouldn't matter what the UIDs inside are. If this issue is still unresolved, send us an email with your info so I can check (if you wish). I can't recall if a solution was found or not.


Just as a followup, make sure the Reseller has plenty of free space in his quotas. If he becomes over his limit, the extraction of the tar.gz files will cause errors.

To check the system quotas for a Reseller/User, type:
[root@server user_backups]# quota -v [B]resellername[/B]
Disk quotas for user [B]resellername[/B] (uid 567):
     Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
      /dev/hda3 [B]1688608*[/B] 102400  102400           20335       0       0
That's the Reseller.
If you created the Reseller with unlimited quotas and restore another backup overtop, it would reset the quotas to whatever was in the Reller backup.
