Restore problem


Verified User
Feb 10, 2008
Québec, Canada
Hi! I have backup some account with directadmin 1.302 and I try to restore these backup with directadmin 1.32 but I got this message and I don't know why...

An error occurred during the restore. Today at 14:57
You don't have permission to restore user noufnouf
You don't have permission to restore user pacush
You don't have permission to restore user paoladip
You don't have permission to restore user psykauze
You don't have permission to restore user pulssart
You don't have permission to restore user qlyon07
You don't have permission to restore user regand

Can someone help me? or tell me what to do with this..

Thank you!
yes..the users have a /home directory and are in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users

but they don't have any directadmin account or system account... the restore have just create this file..but no DA account..what I can do with this?
You have checked the DirectAdmin logs ?

What restore options did you choose, restore to same or others IP's ?

Have you checked the backupfile manually ? Is all in it ?

When you make a new account on Server A, and only backup that one to server B does that work ?

I moved a few thousand accounts from several servers this way and had no real problems with it(except some rights-issues).
DA Logs said nothing...

When I cat /etc/passwd | awk -F : '{print $1}' the user was not in the system.

I try to restore all account with a new IP and the backup files seems normal...

I already moved an hundred of account between this 2 server... But this is the first time I got an error...

What I need to remove to completly delete all the users data on the server?
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If you move the backup files from one server to another you have to make sure the backup files on the new server are owned by the proper user. If you are trying run the restore as admin the backup files must be owned by admin.