restore website any limitation?


Verified User
Oct 1, 2003
i've notice i had a couple of backups can't be restored, they are relatively big, more than 50M each. it will just take days to load the backup, and it eventually failed.

another problem, i've set upload file size to 20M, but when i want to restore a 6M mysql db through phpmyadmin, it will also take days to load, and after finished load the database, the database is still empty, any other setting i need make change?

We recently transferred a user with 1GB used space, including a 100MB mysql DB - all transferred without error via DA.

As for phpMyAdmin's restore DB function, you need to raise 3 values in your php.ini and then restart apache:

memory_limit = 20M
post_max_size = 20M
upload_max_filesize = 20M

That should do it for phpMyAdmin.

thanks, i will try.

another question, i set max upload file size to 20M in php.ini, does it affect ftp upload file size?i have a 45M tar file, i can't seem to able to upload it, is there any hardset for ftp upload size limit?


if you have time, can you tell me:

memory_limit : is the memory used to do what?

post_max_size and upload_max_filesize

what's the difference?

thanks again.
neorder said:
thanks, i will try.

another question, i set max upload file size to 20M in php.ini, does it affect ftp upload file size?i have a 45M tar file, i can't seem to able to upload it, is there any hardset for ftp upload size limit?
I can't be 100% sure, but a quick grep of my php.ini reveals that there is no setting designed to limit FTP upload size.

neorder said:
memory_limit : is the memory used to do what?
That's the maximum amount of your server's RAM PHP is allowed to use (I think). :)

neorder said:
post_max_size and upload_max_filesize

what's the difference?
post_max_size limits the maximum amount of total data that can be sent via a HTTP POST form, while upload_max_filesize strictly limits file upload fields found within a http post form. :)
