Restoring reseller level backup of useraccount takes forever

Invader Zim

Verified User
Sep 4, 2004
Ever since the last update we've had issues restoring user accounts. Since we're currently moving users from an old server to a new server this is kind of annoying. Wether we restore the backup of 1 user weighing in at 10Mb or 10 users at a total of 4Gb it takes about 20 minutes either way for the restore to complete.

During this time the CPU consumption of dataskq runs up to 70% for about 15 - 18 minutes while seemingly nothing else happens.

To check to see what it's up to, type:
ps ax
killall -USR1 dataskq
tail /var/log/directadmin/errortaskq.log
usually the last few entrie of the ps output would be any binaries that the dataskq may have called (usually tar for extraction). The killall -USr1 dataskq and tail will get the dataskq to dump it's current location to the /var/log/directadmin/errortaskq.log, where we could then determine what area it's chewing on to see if there is any particular reason it's gonig slower than usual (eg: email us the pasted output)

This evening we're going to be moving the last users out to the new server. I'll do that when we're done.

As for now, the only real error I noticed in the errortaskq.log is

ConfigFile::writeFile(`) : Timestamp from when it was read is different, overwriting anyway
that's more of a warning saying that the dataskq has higher importance than anything else.. including browsing in DA and will ovewrite the updated values regardless of what the directadmin binary is doing.
