Return-Path shows Server email


Verified User
Feb 12, 2012

my user is using phplist (uses phpmailer) to send emails.
The Return-Path & Sender shows [email protected] instead of [email protected]

searched and tried some solutions but didn't succeed.
1. in httpd.conf when i add php_admin_value sendmail_path '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f |USER|@|DOMAIN|' then httpd doesn't start

2. seperate php.ini for users is of no use as i found DA is not using sendmail

Any ideas?
Thanks in Advance..

Why don't you start with Googling? This question comes here periodically, and it was already discussed several times:

Sure I see you wrote you tried it, but you did not specify what you found and what you tried. Or is that the only "possible" solution that you found and posted here? Didn't you find anything more?

By the way, individual php.ini per user has nothing to do with sendmail. So why did you mention it here?

p.s. I use

X-Mailer: PHPMailer 5.1 (

and I see correct Return-Path in headers. Of course the script uses SMTP server to sen outgoing emails, but not PHP mail().

i wrote searched which means googled :p

regarding php.ini i went to that track thinking i'd put the sendmail -f option (for that user). but after i opened php.ini i found DA doesn't use sendmail but uses exim
That won't do. You'd better be as more specific as you can. Describe what exactly have you done, and what you've got. Without details I personally won't be able to help you, so let other try (if anybody wants of course).
That won't do. You'd better be as more specific as you can. Describe what exactly have you done, and what you've got. Without details I personally won't be able to help you, so let other try (if anybody wants of course).

Ok, Thanks for answer...

I 've tried any of this solutions...
I put user@domain as trusted in exim.conf
I have also put untrusted_set_sender = *, no_local_from_check in exim.conf

I put it in initial part of file, is it correct?

I'm using PHPMailer for sending a newsletter.
If I put into outgoing email AddReplyTo or Sender, in email that I've received the filed return-path is always user@domain.

In my local environment, without any mta, but with a simulation of it, the email are created correctly.
Still you did not show what you've got there. Please show full RFC headers of such an email, and PHP code of that part where you call PHPMailer class and build your letter including adding mail headers.