Reverse DNS Help


Verified User
Jun 15, 2004
I am running Directadmin on Fedora 2 release. I am wanting to do reverse DNS for all my IP pools with it as well.

Didn't have much of any troubles with /24 and /23.

Added to named.conf

zone "" {
type master;
file "";

Then created in /var/named "" with all the entries.

Works perfect.

Now I have a /29 as well. How the heck do I get that to work? I had it working on the old RAQ550 but it does not seem to work the same way on the Fedora box. Can anyone tell me how its done with /29 on a Fedora box?

Revers DNS for what? Apache, exim.....?
Giving us your domain would help as we can plug it into the dns lookup tool at
and get some more information on what you want.

Reverse DNS in some applications such as apache require you to change the configuration in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
DNS wasn't designed for classless delegation, but it works well once we figure out the arcane language we have to use.

Classless delegation is covered in RFC 2317; it can be found here.

I found a great tool to create reverse classless delegation zones here.

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