Reverse split disks


Verified User
Oct 16, 2006
Poland / Deutschland

I would like to ask for help.
I got the server with the mount point drives:

[root@echo871 ~]# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3       1.8T   11G  1.7T   1% /
tmpfs            12G     0   12G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1       504M   43M  436M   9% /boot
/dev/sdb1       1.8T  196M  1.7T   1% /mnt/disk1

(CentOS release 6.5 (Final))

I would without loss of data, larger available space on one partition / for entire drive /dev/sdb1 .
I finally had one big disk of size + / - 4 TB. Tell me how to do it? I do not want to lose the current system, installed DirectAdmin and several hosting accounts.

Best regards: A.K
It appears your server has two drives, one (sda) used for the server, and the other reseved, perhaps for backup.

All your standard partitions are now located on sda, and all your directories are likely located on those partitions (probably all on sda3.

What I can't understand is exactly what you want don with the space on sdb. Are you looking to append the drives together to have the extra space used by any directory as it grows?

If so, then there are only two ways I know how to do that, one by creating a RAID 0 array, and the other by using Logical Volume Management (LVM). Either require starting over agin with bare metal, so the only way you could keep current drive data would be with a partition-based backup and restore.

If I'm misunderstanindg you then please explain further and clarify.

Yes, I wanted to take advantage of maximum disk space.
I thought about RAID0. How can you do this quickly and easily?

Is the new server installation with RAID1, will facilitate the transition to RAID0 ? because if I restore from a copy of it I can do reinstalling the whole system and managing the server have the option to install the system with RAID1.
You cant create a RAID0 or RAID1 without loose data as far as i know, that's because it create and initialize a new volume destroying any data of both disks.

Also, with RAID0 you'll have more space but less "security" since if just a disk broke, all the system get broken and data get lost.

A better solution would be (and it require to reinstall the whole server anyway) to add a third disk and create a RAID5 volume (that will double the space, ex 3x1TB will give you 2TB avaible and data not lost in a disk failure).
