Roundcube 1.5 released


Verified User
Nov 23, 2009
São Paulo - Brazil
We proudly announce the final release of the next major version 1.5 of Roundcube webmail. With this milestone we introduce new features and full PHP 8.0 support. The most noteworthy additions are:
  • Dark mode for Elastic skin
  • OAuth2/XOauth support (with plugin hooks)
  • Collected recipients and trusted senders
  • Moving recipients between inputs with drag & drop
  • Full unicode support with MySQL database
  • Support of IMAP LITERAL- extension RFC 7888
  • Support of RFC 2231 encoded names
  • Cache refactoring

See the full changelog in the release notes on the Github download page.

We also disabled the spell checking feature using by default because some privacy concerns were raised. It now needs to be enabled explicitly by setting the enable_spellcheck config option to true.

With the release of Roundcube 1.5.0, the previous stable release branches 1.4.x and 1.3.x will change into LTS low maintenance mode which means they will only receive important security updates but no longer any regular improvement updates. The 1.2.x series is no longer supported and maintained.
Yes can't wait for this version to be available for DirectAdmin either, finally PHP 8.0 only boxes. With only about a month to go for PHP 7.4 active support this is a very welcome update.
Yes can't wait for this version to be available for DirectAdmin either, finally PHP 8.0 only boxes. With only about a month to go for PHP 7.4 active support this is a very welcome update.
It still has another year of security support, though.
Run in problems when updating Centos 6 ELS box:
Updating database schema (2020020101)... [FAILED]
ERROR: Error in DDL upgrade 2020020101: [1091] Can't DROP 'user_id_fk_cache'; check that column/key exists

Rolling back to 1.4.11 fixed the problem, weird thing is Centos 7 and 8 servers don't had any problems when updating
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Unable to connect to the database!
Please contact your server-administrator.

after updating to 1.5 roundcube does throw this db error.

Edit: fixed after Rebuilding roundcube in custombuild
Also have the issue with roundcube, on 1 server with CentOS 7 i have the issue on the other machine (almost identical config) i dont have the error.

Also the downgrade with custom_versions.txt doesnt seem to be working here? Added roundcube:1.4.11 to custom_versions.txt did a ./build clean && ./build update and build roundcube but it keeps installing 1.5.0
Updating database schema (2020020101)... [FAILED]
ERROR: Error in DDL upgrade 2020020101: [1091] Can't DROP 'user_id_fk_cache'; check that column/key exists
This is caused by SQL statements near the top of that file (2020020101.sql) that will cause an ERROR if the key it tries to drop doesn't exist. Keep running the script manually (as explained in UPGRADING) and comment out the lines that throw this error. I only had these errors on the DROP FOREIGN KEY lines, everything else ran through fine.
Did anyone already test this on Debian 9 and 10 with MariaDB by any chance?
Debian 10 with mariadb 10.5 running fine (after rebuilding)
I just notice, it missing tab on 1.5
see different between 1.4.11 and 1.5


  • r_missing.png
    17.9 KB · Views: 33
maybe plugins break change between old and new, we can't do anything just wait Plugins Dev to fixed
Plugins available in plugins folders, just not enable in config_inc.php. After manually addes works fine :)

i have same error with roundcube 1.5 and 1.51

Updating database schema (2020020101)... [FAILED]
ERROR: Error in DDL upgrade 2020020101: [1091] Can't DROP 'user_id_fk_cache'; check that column/key exists

do you have a script to fix it ? (Many lines not work, not only "user_id_fk_cache" )

i have CB 2.0.0 (rev: 2797)
i have same error with roundcube 1.5 and 1.51
EOL OS .like Centos 6 ?
ERROR: Error in DDL upgrade 2020020101: [1091] Can't DROP 'user_id_fk_cache'; check that column/key exists
Please search form, discussed before
yes centos 6, with mysql 5.7... but not work, how to exactly?
I'm not seeing any errors, but my custom build says update to 1.5.2 is available. It says 1.5.0 is installed. I click it and it says done, but it is still 1.5.0. Not sure what I am missing
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Same here, Roundcube not updating from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 within CustomBuild on several servers