Roundcube & Modsecurity Problem


Verified User
Sep 19, 2008
We have an annoying problem on all of our servers running Roundcube & Modsecurity.

When someone tries to forward an email as soon as he types the first letters of the recipient he gets logged out of roundcube.

I’m trying to find a solution on how to disable modsecurity for the folder of /roundcube but I didn’t find a solution that really worked.

Could you please help with that, as it’s really annoying?

Our system use the following: Debian 5.1, DirectAdmin 1.35.1, Apache 2.2.15, Exim 4.69, MySQL 5.0.88, Named 9.5.1, ProFTPd 1.3.3, dovecot 1.2.11, Php 5.2.13
Read the error log and comment the offending rule. The default ruleset of ModSecurity2 has a huge list of obsolete and useless rules, you have to keep an eye at the logfile all the time.
I've found the solution

I had to edit modsecurity configuration file in my case
pico /etc/modsecurity2/modsec.v2.rules.conf
adding the following before the final comments of the file.

#Rule to allow Roundcube html2text
SecRule REQUEST_FILENAME "/roundcube/bin/html2text.php" \

#Rule to allow Roundcube to forward imbedded images and exclude from compression scanning
<LocationMatch '^/roundcube/'>
SecRuleRemoveById 950004,950019,960903
ive the same problem but i dont use /roundcube/ path but webmail.domain/ path... should you help me find out how to make the rule?