RoundCube won't install on new server


NoBaloney Internet Svcs - In Memoriam †
Jun 16, 2003
I can't get RoundCube to install on a new server installation. This is not good, since the entire purpose of this server install is to test using RoundCube to manage the Dovecot Sieve.

Here's the problem:
# ./build roundcube
mail-header-patch=yes is set in the options.conf, but is not required with this php version.
To enable the X-Mail header, set mail.add_x_header to 1 in your php.ini
cp: `/var/www/html/roundcube/logs' and `/var/www/html/roundcubemail-0.7.2/logs' are the same file
cp: `/var/www/html/roundcube/temp' and `/var/www/html/roundcubemail-0.7.2/temp' are the same file
Editing roundcube configuration...
Roundcube 0.7.2 has been installed successfully.
WARNING: Database schema needs to be updated!
Missing table 'session'
Missing table 'users'
Missing table 'cache'
Missing table 'cache_index'
Missing table 'cache_thread'
Missing table 'cache_messages'
Missing table 'contacts'
Missing table 'contactgroups'
Missing table 'contactgroupmembers'
Missing table 'identities'
Missing table 'dictionary'
Missing table 'searches'

Do you want to run the update queries to get the schmea fixed? (y/N)
MDB2 Error: no such table (-18): _doQuery: [Error message: Could not execute statement]
[Last executed query: TRUNCATE TABLE `messages`;
[Native code: 1146]
[Native message: Table 'da_roundcube.messages' doesn't exist]

This instance of Roundcube is up-to-date.
Have fun!
New install. No database existed before running the build. Can't have fun; it didn't work :(.

CentOS 6.2

PHP version 5.3.14, running as CLI for now (will convert to mod_ruid2 if I can get this to work).

MySQL version 5.5.25a

Zend Guard is installed but not working (still can't figure out why) but I don't see that as a reason why CustomBuild can't build RoundCube.

Using the my-large.cnf file.

Any ideas?

Open phpMyAdmin and delete all existing tables in the database da_roundcube, so that it is completely empty.

Then go and find this file: /var/www/html/roundcubemail-0.7.2/SQL/mysql.initial.sql - open up mysql.initial.sql

Then back in phpMyAdmin click on the database da_roundcube (it should be empty), then click "SQL" in the menu, and "Run SQL query/queries on database da_roundcube"

You copy/paste one by one block from mysql.initial.sql to create the tables, start from the top of the file and work down.

When you have created all the tables in da_roundcube, try to go into custombuild and do ./build roundcube again.
Thanks again, ditto.

As I studied your idea, I realized that there might be a simpler way.

I finally realized that even though I'd deleted the /var/lib/mysql/da_roundcube database and the /user/local/directadmin/custombuild/roundcube* directory and files, the database still existed in mysql. I decided that it would be simpler and faster to just drop the database using phpmyadmin. When I did, this did the trick:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build roundcube
And RoundCube is now working again.

Thanks for your suggestion; it might have taken me a few more days to figure it out without your help :) .

Hello Jeff,

And what did you get as result after installation ended? Did RoundCube work or not? If not, what error did you see in your browser when trying to access roundcube? I know you managed to solve the issue, but I'm just curious what could cause the issue.

I can't get RoundCube to install on a new server installation.

Any ideas?

Actually on last post he did say that removing the database and reinstalling it worked fine.


Yes, I saw this, but my question was about another part of the issue, and I'm not going to suggest any solutions, I'm curios about possible causes. I was asking about the first try of installing RoundCube, not about reinstalling.
In post #4 above I explained it as well as I know. I don't know what happened but something I did resulted in an empty /var/lib/da_roundcube directory; on other words a defined database with no tables.

So the key to fixing it wasn't just to delete that, delete all roundcube related files/directories in custombuild, and rebuild, as that didn't touch the database, since it was still defined in mysql. I had to remove the database definition, which I did using phpmyadmin, and then delete everything roundcube related, and then rebuild it with custombuild.

That worked, and since it's a new server, it didn't delete anything I'd needed.
