Rspamd ne scanne pas les messages entrant


Verified User
Jul 31, 2022
I come back to this : Rspamd solution
I changed what is noted on the link above, and after restarting rspamd, it does not scan.
I am under Debian for info.
ainsi personne ne te comprend....

reboot the box & see how it looks then
Apogee understands me, doesn't it ;)
It was a sentence to know if you have a sense of humor.
I tell you what, I changed this line:
#.include(try=true; priority=1,duplicate=merge) "$LOCAL_CONFDIR/local.d/"
in the file rspamd.conf is restart the server is when I do test reception, the message does not scan.
I would like to come back to this document about things that are missing on my server is maybe you could tell me to correct them :

When you save the SpamAssassin settings through DirectAdmin, the the per-User config is save at:

ls /etc/rspamd/users.d/username.conf
ls: cannot access '/etc/rspamd/users.d/username.conf': No such file or directory

which is loaded from the included file, if it exists:

ls /etc/rspamd/rspamd.conf.local
ls: cannot access '/etc/rspamd/rspamd.conf.local': No such file or directory

which then loads in the this file, which holds the list of all User configs:

cat /etc/rspamd/directadmin-users.conf

Nothing recorded in this file

It asks right after that it is for a Centos 7 configuration

The people that they are under Debian, Ubuntu how they make.


I will add a note, related to this documentation :

ls /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
ls: cannot access '/usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue': No such file or directory
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I have surely found my answer, when I have this error...

Rspamd should be on but was skipped for some reason: acl_c_esf_skip=0 OR (message_size=8460) >= 200K OR (acl_m_spam_user=nobody)==nobody

Via this lien

This is not a notification, which says that the tests I do for some time are not emails that provide spam, but clean addresses is not spam in circumstance?
