Ruby on Rails Plug-IN for DirectAdmin


Verified User
Aug 12, 2006
This plugin (WebROR) allows you to offer Ruby on Rails with Mongrel to your users.

It utilizes mongrel lib and HTTP server and apache mod_proxy for all the rails app, so it should run nicer and faster than just normal CGI or FastCGI

More Details:

Again, 3 level access
Admin: can enable | disable all users ROR access
Reseller: can enable | disable all users ROR access
User: can start and stop mongrel rails, add and remove apps

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!
Wow, that looks really good. When will it be available for the general public. I sure really want to test it ..


Great job
It only work for domains now :(
I'll get it to work for subdomains and I'll add more options later.
Hopefully I can get everything done in mid to late Dec.
Sorry I did not have time to update the plugin, however, here it is anyway. It only works for domain and I've been testing it thoroughly.

Adjust and modify anything as you like.

Feel free to contact me by email as I do not often to check the forums.

# STEP 1
Assuming you already have ruby, gems, rails and mod_proxy installed and setup properly
Extract the tar ball to /usr/local/directadmin/plugins

# STEP 2
Add the following to your in /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom
/usr/local/directadmin/plugins/WebROR/scripts/ -domain=$domain -user=$username

You may have to add this to the as well
What this script does is to clean up the database files of this plugin associated to this deleted domain

# STEP 3
Add this to crond so that it checks when to restart apache when needed
* * * * * root /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/WebROR/cron/

That's all I think!

It has been tested and run on Apache 1.x only.


Thanks a lot. It is look great.

I have one problem, when I add ruby to one domain, there is write that it is instaled, but there is nothing in public_html and in lists of application.

Could you help me with it?

I'd like to add this to some servers. I really like the use of mongrel here and no CGI/FCGI. Does this support the mongrel_cluster gem? With mongrel_cluster you can have it read files from /usr/local/etc/mongrel_cluster/*.yml and start the cluster servers on boot. It would be nice if it was possible to somehow assign a mongrel port and number of servers or something. Maybe that would be admin only maybe?