I hope you are having a great Labor Day we are not at this time.
Down to the problem.
First let me explain what we have setup for DA.
The main admin account XXX.XXX.XXX.XX:2222
There is 4 reseller users.
We have our account as user in reseller.
I hioe this right and you can understand it.
In the API setup for Mb we have as follows.
This the error we are getting when we are trying to run api.
Module: mod_diradmin, Host:
An Error has occured
Connection or 'createacct' function failed.
DirectAdmin Server Module Configuration
Enable DirectAdmin Module: Yes
DirectAdmin Username: Our user name
DirectAdmin Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
DirectAdmin URL:
NOTE: I was told by our provider the DA login should not have any shared or anything just the DA Panel.
http(s)?: http
DirectAdmin IP address: XXX.21.129.XXX
NOTE: The above address is where the shared are made to.
Server Group Configuration
Set Server Group: Default Server Group
Maximum Accounts: *
Current Accounts: 4 I have just 4 in so we can test all.
Server Fill Order: 1
Nameserver Configuration
Nameserver 1: NS.DOMAIN.COM.NET
Nameserver 1 IP: XX.XX.XX.X
Nameserver 2: NS2.DOMAIN.NET
Nameserver 2 IP: XX.XX.XX.X
NOTE: I was told that the info below should be [empty].
Server Login Configuration
Server Login URL: [empty]
Username: [empty]
Password: [empty]
Server API: Module Configuration
Enable Server Module: Yes
Enable Create Function: Yes
Enable Suspend Function: Yes
Enable Unsuspend Function: Yes
Enable Delete Function: Yes
Enable Real-Time Connection From Pending: Yes
API Queue: Automation Settings
Insert new orders into the API Queue: Yes
Pending override WITH payment: No
Pending override WITHOUT payment: No
Server API & Registrar API calls
Synchronize Registrar call with Server's DNS: Yes
Upgrade / Downgrade Configuration
Enable Upgrade/Downgrade Menu by Admin: Yes
Enable Upgrade/Downgrade Menu by User: No
Allow User to Downgrade a Base Package: No
Any help here, we need to get this working soon.