Running as non-root issue


Verified User
Sep 13, 2008
London UK
I've managed to do this before (ages ago), but

I installed UnrealIRCD and Anope from source as apt-get couldn't find them. Anyway, both compiled faultlessly, however, I wish to run Unreal as ircd (user), but when I do:
#sudo -u ircd <path to ircd>
I get a Permisson Denied.

But when I use sudo with Anope, it happierly accepts it and runs as anope.

Actually, only Unreal kicks up a fuss with sudo..... :confused:

Any pointers
why are you using sudo just su to the user to start it.
Wild guess here as I have no knowledge of these specific programs. But it sounds like the user ircd does not have permission to execute the ircd. Check the permissions of ircd (the program not the user).
It may be the fact that ircd doesn't have a valid shell. Don't add it, just use "su -l -s /bin/bash -c 'command' ircd" instead.
I also suggest using ircd's crontab, this way you won't have to use sudo or su at all.
Ok, I feel a tit (I should be so lucky)..... The files didn't belong to the ircd group..... :rolleyes:

<there should be a d'oh smiley>