Running multiple control panels

Will Case

Verified User
Jun 13, 2012
I don't know if this is in the right forum or not. If not feel free to move this thread.
I currently have webmin installed on my VPS, and was wondering if it is possible to install Direct Admin on the VPS as well, or would I have to uninstall webmin first?
That depends on what you try to achieve with that. You'd better of course to remove webmin and all installed packages: php-*, httpd-*, mysql-*, proftpd-*, etc.
I was trying to figure a way to move all my customers to one server, and the problem is some use Direct Admin, and other's use Cpanel, and one even uses Webmin. This is why I ask.
I tried to get the ones who use CPanel to switch to Direct Admin but they don't want to switch.
I guess in this case, they will have to switch, or I will have to keep both servers.
for cpanel if i dont remember bad there is a working scripts in this forum.

for webmin i dont know.

But i suppose that install differents panel on same server will be a mess cause each panel will try to install packages (apache php mysql etc) in their own way and you will not be able to understand if your work is going well.

I would strongly suggest to use a differents box/vps for those tests whit a panel per host

What does this script do for CPanel?
and I was afriad tthat installing multiple panels would be an issue. But didn't see any hardm in asking :)
is there a way to install say Direct Admin without the packages, httpd, mysql, etc?
Thanks so much for your help.
I personally like Direct Admin better. I am really trying to get them to switch over to Direct Admin.
I've used CPanel, Webmin, and Direct Admin, and I have found Direct Admin to be the most user friendly.
The conversion script works well, converting the cPanel user backup to a reseller level user-level DirectAdmin backup. I used it very recently and it worked perfectly.

As far as Webmin is concerned, I can't think of an easy way to do it; Webmin uses a standard OS layout, while DirectAdmin uses a standard DirectAdmin layout, with lots of differences.

Webmin is not a control panel; it's simply a way to run a server remotely.

Thank you. I will look into the script.
some of my customers have agreed to switch to Direct Admin, so hopefully the rest will follow.