idosha said:
LOL, DA doesn't provide security updates for those things, those are done by totally different teams/companies and most are free open source software.
LoL, you have to do a better job reading. I didn't say DA was providing security updates, I said it takes care so you can update the. So via custombuild, you don't have to compile them yourself.
This is EXACTLY what I want! BTW Last I checked DA/Cpanel doesn't "auto update" any 3rd party software, that is all done manually or via Kernal Care...
If that is what you want, start your own product. BTW, you checked wrongly. Explain me why for example my phpmyadmin and roundcube gets autoupdated?
Other things you have to do manually yes. But it can be done via a custombuild plugin, makes life easier. You have to build a plugin for that anyway. Kernal Care is also a plugin btw.
So you are telling me cPanel & DirectAdmin along with thousands of other companies made ZERO MONEY for the last 20+ years with permanent licenses? Sorry but obviously they made "plenty" of money otherwise they would have went out of business years ago! GREED is the only thing that has changed with ALL tech companies switching to "pay to play" subscriptions.
I can guarantee you DA made a lot less money then cPanel, just because they were not greedy, and they still aren't. Ofcourse they made money with lifetime licenses, but you can't keep existing on them. So it's not 20+ years to begin with. For DA it's 17.
Did you even compare prices between cPanel lifetime and DA lifetime? For the just $299 from DA you can't expect them to keep creating new features and options and making the panel better.
That's because cPanel stopped long ago with lifetime. You want to make a living, not just money.
You call them greedy, you can just as well say you're stingy.
I 100% understand and disagree with the greed of the tech industry. That is the point of my post.. I hope you are smart enough to realize that.
I'm smart enough to know how business work and every industry want to make more money every year. I'm also smart enough that company's not changing prices for 17 years and introducing licenses for hobbyist and starting company's for very nice retail prices, can not be called greedy.
If your point is that company's should not want to make more money every year, I might agree, but there are lots of company's which at least aren't greedy.
Next to that, you did not explain how you can do everything for free. You also need to make a living. And that won't be different then with any other company, so in that case, every company is greedy according to your statement.
Bread and milk get more expensive every year... so bakers and farmers are also greedy? I hope you're also smart enough to understand the point I'm making.
Some things are part of life, and has nothing to do with greed. And you can't call them greedy because they don't give you what maybe just a very few people would like. Because indeed in that case there was not much reason to have prices. Can't make a living from that either. Neither can you with free hosting.
You're nifty because you only want DA to pay for your free hosting. One could say that too. Looks more like it to me, sorry.
Like Ikkeben I would suggest using open source then. That's developped for people who would rather not or can't pay money or just want things for free. I also like open source.
Or even better, develop a good panel yourself and then provide it for free to everybody. We would like that too.
P.s. you can also call WHMCS greedy then, because you have to pay that too and they don't develop a plugin for open source. LoL.