/sbin/service: line 68: 13239 Segmentation fault


Verified User
Oct 4, 2004
Deventer, The Netherlands
I am getting a weird error when i try to use the service command. I also tried /sbin/service:

# service httpd start
/sbin/service: line 68: 13239 Segmentation fault env -i LANG=$LANG PATH=$PATH TERM=$TERM "${SERVICEDIR}/${SERVICE}" ${OPTIONS}

# service exim start
/sbin/service: line 68: 13246 Segmentation fault env -i LANG=$LANG PATH=$PATH TERM=$TERM "${SERVICEDIR}/${SERVICE}" ${OPTIONS}

When i only enter service:
# service
Usage: service < option > | --status-all | [ service_name [ command | --full-restart ] ]

But when i add an option to it:
# service --status-all
/sbin/service: line 34: 13323 Segmentation fault env -i LANG=$LANG PATH=$PATH TERM=$TERM "${SERVICEDIR}/${SERVICE}" status

I am using Fedora Core 3.
Generally a segmentation fault is caused by a hardware error.

I'd start by doing a memory test. And by getting a copy of service from a known good server.

RackSystems said:
If i use a service from an other server i get the same error. Do you know a method for testing the memory on a remote site with ssh?
Find a memory test for the OS Platform you're using; upload it.

Then log in and su to root. chmod the program to allow it to run, and run it form the command line.
