Secondary Hard Drive


Verified User
Jan 19, 2005

I currently have a server with DA installed but a customer would like to add another hard drive and have all their website stored on this drive,
Would DA support the ability to have one user or a reseller adding users on one drive and not messing up the users currently in /home

Best Regards

Yep. DirectAdmin asks your system where the home directory is, so all you'd have to do is modify the useradd configuration file changing the home directory to your new partition on the 2nd hard drive.
Then all new users home directories would be to the location you specified on the 2nd HD.
John, I don't believe that's what he's asked.

I believe he's asked if he could have one user on a separate drive.

I know it can be done with a simple change to the user's httpd.conf file, but I don't know if DA will ever attempt to overwrite it or not.

So I suggest checking with DA support.

Modify useradd to make the home directory on the 2nd hd.
Create that user.
modify useradd back to the original home directory.
that way all DirectAdmin files and user directories get created right from the get go.

At least that's the way I would try it first. If that didn't work, then I'd go hunting down all of Da's data files where the relevant information would be stored (mostly /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/username/)

I guess for a last resort, you could just symlink the directory the the 2nd HD.
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Yes was hoping for just a single user, ill try it out on a test box tomorrow and see how it works, It sounds simple enough,

Many thanks.

One user at another HD ?
That's it ?

Why not mount the HD as space INSIDE the homedir of the user ?
In this style :
mount /dev/<something> /home/<username>

(after you've copypasted, or tarred the content, and unpacked it again on the HD.)

Not 100% sure that would work...
Hi guys,

So which method of adding a second drive for some users(while other users are on the first drive) worked?

I'd be very interested to know please.

John of DA has replied to a similar thread some time ago.

You install the second drive as /home2 and then modify DA to install new users there.

You can find the thread here.
