Segmentation Fault when adding a new user


Verified User
Apr 2, 2005
Just started getting this Program Error when adding a new user.

Segmentation Fault

It does add the domain to the namedb, I have to delete it each time. But thats about all I know at this point. My Machine is Freebsd.

Odd, everything else runs fine. It only cannot add a user. What files do I need to edit to manually add a new user to da. Can you help please.

Segmentation fault is almost always a hardware issue.


wrong .. a segmentation fault is caused by a program accessing memory that does not belong to it .. most of the time caused by improper usage of pointers .. has nothing to do with hardware whatsoever

You don't have to be so harsh or dogmatic. With an attitude like that you just asked for somebody to show you some examples of hardware causing segmentation faults. I don't think Jeff would say hardware if he had not experienced it.

In my own experience segfaults are software related, most of the time related to gcc. But I am also open to bad memory. I would say that if it happens every time for a particular action then its a software problem. If it random then its a memory problem.

This also often happens if you have been hacked. If you have not made any changes recently, and it just started happening apparently without reason, check your server for hacks.
I also dont agree with that statement. Segmentation Fault could result from many things, not usually hardware releated in my experience, even having open_basedir or safe mode on for applicatons running in a users webspace for example.

To the person having this issue, ensure that open_basedir and safe mode is turned off for every website. open-basedir implamantion on DA sucks. Go figure, we never saw these types of problems on a Cpanel box with open_basedir enabled yet when we moved all those sites to a DA box and enabled open_basedir on all domains we suffered Segmantion faults and other explained fault issues on our logs until we turned it off for every website except for those sites we knew were running pure html.
Okay, I'll restate: on a server where everything has always worked before, a segmentation fault is usually do to a hardware problem often causing a memory access error.

Does that read better?

DA is a well tested program running on various OS distributions and versions without too many segmentation failures. It's unlikely it's got a bug that's causing it to access memory incorrectly, though of course it's possible.

I disagree that changing either open_basedir or safel_mode will have anything to do to adding a user, since DA doesn't use httpd, or php; it's a self-contained C++ program. Which of course makes it more likely it could be causing a memory access error. But as I've written above, it's well tested.
