Segmentation Fault while adding A Record


Verified User
Jan 17, 2006
Hi guys

recently i've been having problems when adding A records for dns's etc

Now i was reading through a few posts and there was a problem with a DNS Read Bug


i've updated directadmin, its now running 1.26.x but im still having the same problem
it does it will all my domains, i can add 3 records with the same host but then it dies n gives me the following error..

Program Error


A segmentation fault has occurred

when you click on the Home link it then gives me this error

Error: document not found

any support would be really appreciated

sorry about that

im on Fedora
just a quick update

i can add a heap of A records for the same domain, but when i goto create another A record with multiple ip's it gives me the segmentation error
i wouldnt know where to begin

i rent a dedicated server through some guys
have had lots of directadmin issues, licence issues, expired licences when they have just been renewed etc etc

now i got this ****ty segmentation fault

Well your going to need to contact somebody. Probably whoever sold you your license since they are the ones who should be providing the support.

It could be any number of things, from a bug in DA (doubtful) to a libraries issue.
Does DirectAdmin's log have any additional information on the problem?
brappinseven said:
i can add a heap of A records for the same domain, but when i goto create another A record with multiple ip's it gives me the segmentation error
Please explain what you mean by A record with multiple IPs.

just an A record


round robin style

i own an irc network
which i use directadmin to setup the hosts > ip here > ip2 here

etc etc

recently have gone to add another dns, for us based servers,

when i enter more then 4 ip's it gives me segfault errors

but with the old dns i can have, as many hosts/ip's i want

kinda strange

I had the same problem!!!!!

i needed to delete the existing A record to be able to add a record with the same name but different ipnumber...
