segmentation fault while installing DA


New member
May 6, 2005

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

I am stuck,I had an OS reload on one of my servers from RH 7 to EL 2.4.21.But I am having trouble installing DA.The installtion stalls at end with a segmentation fault for ../directadmin p and ./directadmin i.

Is there some compatiblity issue with the OS.Any help would be much appreciated since I need to have the server up soon.


What OS is your license for ?

You can't simply change OS, you have to change the existing license as well...
Otherwise a seg fault might indeed happen.

Never tried/had it though.
You need to update the operating system accordingly as said above, as well as redownload the proper DirectAdmin binary for that Operating system since the most likely case is you have the wrong build.
I had this same problem. I had a mishap with one of my boxes and had to format it. I went ahead and upgraded to Fedora 3 from Fedora 1. When I tried installing DA, it gave some problems. The went fine, or somewhat. It compiled everything like it should have.. but once it got to the end (where it copies all the files into their locations.. all the conf's, etc...) it didn't do it. It simply didn't copy them. So I did it manually.. But still, "directadmin" wouldn't start. When I tried starting it manually, I got "Segmentation fault." I tried for fun, to run "./build all" from custom apache (because httpd wouldn't start either). And guess what.. Seg fault, just as you describe it.

I checked my DA license and it says "Fedora 1 / 2". So I am thinking it had something to do with this. Since I had users relying on the system to come back up, I could not wait on the DA license to be changed. I simply reformatted (again) and installed Fedora 2.

Resolved. Maybe John could shed some light on this? (BTW: My partner emailed DA support and asked if it were a problem going from 1 to 3, and the answer was no, that the installs were the same...)
Would have been nice to know before I had my server reformatted. I had to format it twice that night. Was up for 29 hours straight with backups and all. ;)
I don't know why you didn't notice it.

I didn't know it before you asked; I logged in to my account and looked at what was available.

That's where I noticed that Fedora 1/2 and Fedora 3 were separate packages.
