Send a copy to another address


Verified User
Mar 27, 2023
Is it possible or how is it possible to send a copy of all incomming emails to an external email-account?
The "Forwarders" function is unfortunately of no use, it rewrites the header, id like to have the email in the account AND on the external account, any way to do this on the user level?
thank you very much for your time
Filter Sieve/Pigonhole have the action "Send message copy to", you can create the filter via webmail
Filter Sieve/Pigonhole have the action "Send message copy to", you can create the filter via webmail
thats not what exactly what we need, the header needs to be changed, so that if x --> y --> (send a copy) z, currently you see in header: x --> z, in the email header the address should rather be y --> z, i hope i could explain the problem. (x y z are sender addresses)
Yes, only option for users is Sieve filter.

forwarder is not send-copy, that's why it will rewrite the header.