Send Mail problem via PHP!


Verified User
Apr 10, 2006
All of my PHP files, have problem with mail() function!
When they reach to this line, the execution of php file stoped for a period of 40 Sec (or more!) and then finished its execution!
I don't know how can i solve this.

Additionaly, I havn't any problem with SMTP & POP3 via Outlook. This problem is just for webbased (PHP & Perl &...) programs!
What version of PHP are you using?
Ver. 4.3.10 is known to be buggy.

If you are the Administrator of your server, check to see how much memory PHP is configured to use. The default is 8mb and is not suitible for a production. Chnage it to 25mb or more. I'm sure that's not the issue, but you may want to take a look any way if you have not already.

On Red Hat Fedora
# cd /usr/local/lib/php.ini
Also accesable through the admin panel in DA click on file editor.

If you make a change restart apache for the change to take effect.

What else?
Try restarting apache anyway.

Try this link for other troubleshooting options


Anyone else have ideas?
Thank you very much
But my memory limit is set to 30mb! (at default)
I think maybe there is problem with checking mail sender with exim!
Can you guide me more?!
What OS are you running?
Is this a fresh install of DA?
If no then when did the issue start?
Does it happen on all domains or just yours?
Is this a mass mailer script or a single user input form.
Any other info you can provide will be helpful.
Can you provide the URL so we can look at the source?

-Jason :D
1- I'm using FreeBSD 5.4
2- hmm, i don't know! i used it with my new order of server!
3- The problem start from first! May be i think it is related to my server name! (i didn't regsitered my server nam on my registrar! Is it neccesarry?!)
4- Yes, All domains! I think Exim try to check destination and source mails (of course) and then sends mail!:(
5- No, it is a form mail!
6- I will send you one sample URL! if you can't find out with these info!:confused:
moazedi said:
2- hmm, i don't know! i used it with my new order of server!
Then it most likely is a new installation.
3- The problem start from first! May be i think it is related to my server name! (i didn't regsitered my server nam on my registrar! Is it neccesarry?!)
Your servername (hostname) must be a fully qualified domain name.

For example, if your servername is, then you must have registered with a registrar, and you must have working DNS for, and working reverse DNS for your IP#.

If you already own, and your website is, then you cannot use or as your hostname, but you can certainly use, as long as you have working DNS for, and working reverse DNS for the IP# that points to.

If you don't, you WILL have problems sending email through your server as most recipient mailservers won't accept email from your server.

Problem not solved!

I can't solve the problem with those info!
You can check one of my domains via
my nameservers is

I don't know what you'd expect me to check, or how, with the information you've posted.

If you want to buy server administration services from somone then you should.

But I don't see how volunteers can help you further with the information you've supplied and without logging into your server.
