Server Administration companies


Verified User
Dec 30, 2009
Athens, Greece
Dear all,

I am in trouble as I have hired to manage my server for the last 9 months and they can't really manage such a simple situation, like to configure properly the spam filters for the mail server.

I am looking for a new company to assign the administration of my server (own machine hosted in a Greek datacenter). I was reading this thread and I learned a few things about the this service. I would like very much to assign the job to jlasman or to SeLLeRoNe, but really I can't afford too expensive services, as we are still a very small company with very few customers.

For the moment I was looking the services of, & I found them through the mentioned thread and a little search with Google.

My questions are if someone has experience of these companies and if you have to suggest me something related these ones. Also any suggestion for another company would me more than acceptable, as I am making my research today. My problem is that I have to assign this job today, because I have troubles with the spam filters of the mail server and a few more minor issues to be resolved, but the most important is the mentioned one.

Thanks a lot in advance for your time.

Angelos Pitsos
Feel free to pm me with your server problems and how much you are avaible to afford for a monthly fee on server management and ill reply you back or with the solution of your problem or (where possible) a way to get a collaboration not too expensive on your side.

but really I can't afford too expensive services, as we are still a very small company with very few customers.
You should always feel free to contact companies or individuals directly (generally email is fastest if the email address is posted or can be found) to ask about specific services. We and others are willing to work with clients whenever possible.

Stick with...

Stick with the admins that have been on the DA forum for a while, I have personally used a few and was very happy, You can rest assured if I had a problem it would show up right at the top of any forum I could post in!