Server move


Verified User
May 27, 2008
The Netherlands
I know this subject has been posted a dozen times, but I can't fully figure it out.

I'm about to transfer all data from my currect dedicated server to a new one, so I'm dealing with copying all data + new ip addresses.

I know that I can make an admin backup and restore it on the new server, however I don't know how to make it work with the new ip addresses. (I got about 6, 1 main ip, 2x 2 nameservers, ssl website)

At the moment I'm waiting for DA sales to change my ip address.

This mentions something about ips in config files

This says how to change ip addresses:

I however don't know how to connect the dots.

After I install DA, do I need to restore the backups? Will it use the old IP addresses and I can I just change the ip addresses with the script? Or do I need to add those old IP addresses on the new box temporally?

Help! :)


edit: smtalk is currently helping me!
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When you run the restore it asks you what ip to use.