Server speed optimization


Verified User
Mar 26, 2020
Los Angeles
Is there a tips or help article on keeping the server running fast?

I'm not super familiar with DirectAdmin but I have a lot server experience in general.
there are no DA relative optimizations, you must tune-up separate services, exim, nginx, apache, litespeed, mysql, maybe dns and network stack, also filesystem, caches and so on.
Most servers don't usually need too much for general use to maintain performance. I would make sure the machine/VM has sufficient ram for the work load (32GB is my smallest servers, free memory is fine, it will get used for file system cache, or when there is a spike in load) and enough CPU cores. I would set kernel swapiness to 1 (default can cause performance issues with increased memory usage, you want to try to keep your server from needing to use swap). And periodically run MYSQLTuner to see if adjustments need to be made (make sure to be careful not to increase settings too much as it will possibly consume all your ram and bring things to a crawl). Most servers that may be sufficient. PHP optimizations in some situations can be beneficial for performance, i find with WordPress it can get a benefit from increased opcache memory and opcache files settings. (Just remember making changes to PHP may increase memory usage quite a bit and could cause you issues if you set things too high.)