Server Time is about 45 minutes behind actual


New member
Oct 18, 2008
A few months back our server time somehow got knocked back by about 45 minutes. I didn't catch it until I installed a CMS and it displayed the current server time.

It mostly affects our email server, so this might be the wrong place to post it. I (and our clients) get our email about 45 minutes after it is received by the server. EG: At 11am I get an email showing that it was downloaded by my email app at 9:15am.

I don't want to restart the server. I was hoping there is a simple way to reset the time, but I'll do what it needs. I have no way of doing this, as far as I know, via DA.
Run ntpdate command on crontab or run ntpd.

how and where via command line do I run that?

I tried it here: /var/lib/ntp/ bu that ntp directory is empty. ls reveals nothing there
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so login as the root user and type the command:

That worked. Thank you.

How do I know if it reset my time to "current" time at it's location? Never mind, I checked one of my site's config files. Thank you for the help.