Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe


Verified User
Jan 19, 2013
The Netherlands
After updating AlmaLinux, I did a reboot, checked a website to see it was working fine. Then I updated DA to the latest stable release. When this job was finished I rebooted my server and tried to access a site again. Now the error message appears:


You don't have permission to access this resource.Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe

Disabled CSF/LFD, no change.
Reverted from OWASP CRS ver.4.3.0 back to OWASP CRS ver.4.2.0, no change.

Did a build all d, no change.
Changed php versions, no change.

I'm out of ideas, so please if you would.
In the meantime I'm transferring sites to an other server to get them up and running again.
Oh yes I noticed that this evening when I tried to visit your site.
I thought you was working on the forums.

Server unable to read htaccess file,
Exactly what did you update? Minor Alma update? Hope not Alma 8 to Alma 9 right?

1.) Have you checked owner and permissions for the .htaccess file?

2.) What if you rename .htaccess to htaccess.bak (without the dot in front), see another error or are things starting to work?

3.) Try disabling OWASP and see what that brings.

4.) Have you check status of the services like apache (and nginx if you're using that)?

5.) Check your apache logs, error logs and domain logs and error logs.
No 8.10.
I don't think Linux is the culprit. The server I transferred the sites to has the same error now. :(
On that server no updates were done to Alma or DA.
I'll check your other suggestions tomorrow. Thanks!
I'll check your other suggestions tomorrow. Thanks!
You're welcome.
Just read somewhere else that modsecurity mostly causes these.

Try setting mod_security to no and then to the ./build rewrite_confs and if it works then, you can check things tomorrow at ease.
What about the httpd log? It should give you more info.