Server wide 502's every couple of days


New member
Feb 18, 2025
Hello guys,

I am currently managing a small DA server for a friend (I do have full system access) that hosts about 20 websites. Currently I am using nginx_apache and for some reason every couple of days I start to get 502's on every website. Nginx & apache in systemctl never stops and I can reboot the server and it fixes the issue.

Any ideas? I am completely lost on why it does this.
if you see 502 - it must be logged with description what happens
it can be php-fpm issue too, maybe small workers/childs limit
It sounds like a PHP-FPM issue. Are the FPMs running? However, when this happens, I'm not sure if it is a 406 error rather than a 502.
It sounds like a PHP-FPM issue. Are the FPMs running? However, when this happens, I'm not sure if it is a 406 error rather than a 502.
Yeah php-fpm is running fine atm but I havent checked the logs yet as I havent had time. So it could be that failing I dont know haha. Will deff check on it though. Thanks.