Hi guys I'm having this issue.
SSL labs says:
Subject Internet Widgits Pty Ltd( O)
Fingerprint SHA256: f588a28099085ebecc9decd8edcad4d5feaff42324576d523254884dc5b3be51
Pin SHA256: xv4b+RhKjStN+7T68gFzDV9aIOdRlYOHsTPuvmWFpmM=
Common names -
Alternative names - INVALID
Serial Number 00a3e21297bf12ac49
Valid from Mon, 07 Jul 2014 18:24:09 UTC
Valid until Sat, 26 Feb 2039 18:24:09 UTC (expires in 21 years and 7 months)
Key RSA 2048 bits (e 65537)
Weak key (Debian) No
Issuer Internet Widgits Pty Ltd Self-signed
Signature algorithm SHA1withRSA INSECURE
Extended Validation No
Certificate Transparency No
OCSP Must Staple No
Revocation information None
DNS CAA No (more info)
I don't know where the problem is, if I have to buy a new IP for SSL at each domain or should config directadmin.conf just like says this post:
Because the domain that serves as servername has a paid SSL at globaltrust, not a let's encrypt
How should I config my directadmin.conf to work with paid ssl and letsencrypt for the others?
- Centos 5 + Directadmin 2.0 + letsencrypt installed
- 7 domains with letsencrypt successfully installed.
- Browsers says NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID for this 7 domains
SSL labs says:
Subject Internet Widgits Pty Ltd( O)
Fingerprint SHA256: f588a28099085ebecc9decd8edcad4d5feaff42324576d523254884dc5b3be51
Pin SHA256: xv4b+RhKjStN+7T68gFzDV9aIOdRlYOHsTPuvmWFpmM=
Common names -
Alternative names - INVALID
Serial Number 00a3e21297bf12ac49
Valid from Mon, 07 Jul 2014 18:24:09 UTC
Valid until Sat, 26 Feb 2039 18:24:09 UTC (expires in 21 years and 7 months)
Key RSA 2048 bits (e 65537)
Weak key (Debian) No
Issuer Internet Widgits Pty Ltd Self-signed
Signature algorithm SHA1withRSA INSECURE
Extended Validation No
Certificate Transparency No
OCSP Must Staple No
Revocation information None
DNS CAA No (more info)
I don't know where the problem is, if I have to buy a new IP for SSL at each domain or should config directadmin.conf just like says this post:
Because the domain that serves as servername has a paid SSL at globaltrust, not a let's encrypt
How should I config my directadmin.conf to work with paid ssl and letsencrypt for the others?