Service named stopped


Verified User
Jan 28, 2021
I installed directadmin on centos 7.

I also changed the hostname and added ssl for this name.

Now the service named has stopped and wont restart anymore.

I get this error when I try to restart it via ssh:

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart named.service
Job for named.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status named.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

after doing the command systemctl status named.service
Jul 07 10:26:59 bash[4344]: zone loaded...0
Jul 07 10:26:59 bash[4344]: zone loaded s...0
Jul 07 10:26:59 bash[4344]: zone loaded...1
Jul 07 10:26:59 bash[4344]: zone
Jul 07 10:26:59 bash[4344]: zone
Jul 07 10:26:59 bash[4344]: _default/vps16.domainname...d
Jul 07 10:26:59 systemd[1]: named.service: control process...1
Jul 07 10:26:59 systemd[1]: Failed to start Berkeley Inter....
Jul 07 10:26:59 systemd[1]: Unit named.service entered fai....
Jul 07 10:26:59 systemd[1]: named.service failed.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.

Someone any idea what this can be?
As system tells you "See "systemctl status named.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details."
Thanks for your answer. Yes part of it is in the same post as the question. But when I do both commands I get this result:

-- Unit named.service has begun starting up.
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone localhost.localdomain/IN: loaded serial 0
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone localhost/IN: loaded serial 0
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone loaded serial 0
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone loaded serial 0
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone loaded serial 0
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone loaded serial 2023070600
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone loaded serial 2023070601
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone loading from master file /var/named/ failed: file not found
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: zone not loaded due to errors.
Jul 07 16:37:11 bash[20439]: _default/ file not found
Jul 07 16:37:11 systemd[1]: named.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
Jul 07 16:37:11 systemd[1]: Failed to start Berkeley Internet Name Domain (DNS).
-- Subject: Unit named.service has failed
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support:
-- Unit named.service has failed.
-- The result is failed.
Jul 07 16:37:11 systemd[1]: Unit named.service entered failed state.
Jul 07 16:37:11 systemd[1]: named.service failed.
Jul 07 16:37:11 polkitd[550]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:20419:2348207 (system bus name :1.836, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnect
lines 2452-2513/2513 (END)

Any Idea what I could do to make it work again?
zone loading from master file /var/named/ failed: file not found
There you go... it does not find the file while it should

How did you create your hostname in DNS? Only changing in DA itself is not enough.

Login to DA as admin and go to DNS administration. Check if you have a in there, if yes delete it.
After that create it again. If you do -not- have it in there, then create it.

Please post any error output you encount when doing this, if any.
I installed directadmin on centos 7.
Additionally. Is this a newly installed server? If yes, then I would strongly suggest to use another OS.
Centos 7 will be EOL in june next year. You might best install something else, for example Almalinux 8 is also totally compatible (the same).
Unless you choose Centos 7 for a very specific reason.
usually this error because you has and don't have separate zone, as expected as hostname.
I usually remove including this separate domain from named.conf and add vps16 subdomain to dns zone (if it already exists).
just remove this include from named.conf and add this domain again from DA.
I usually remove including this separate domain from named.conf and add vps16 subdomain to dns zone (if it already exists).
I stopped using the hostname "subdomain" in the zone.
I always create a seperate zone so this way the server hostname also has SPF record and SSL itself, because we ran into issues with php mail sometimes and with seperate fqdn hostname in the dns, this problem did not occur.
Also DA always did (and still does) create a seperate DNS entry for the hostname.
Additionally. Is this a newly installed server? If yes, then I would strongly suggest to use another OS.
Centos 7 will be EOL in june next year. You might best install something else, for example Almalinux 8 is also totally compatible (the same).
Unless you choose Centos 7 for a very specific reason.
Thanks for your answer. Ah I see.. Yës it is a newly installed server so I theoretically change it. However unfortunately this is not an option I can choose.. I just checked it.. This organisation only offerts centos7 , ubuntu and debian. But I could close this vps when it is EOL. And move the sites to another vps.
This organisation only offerts centos7 , ubuntu and debian.
Oh that's odd, maybe Debian is a better choice then because of the in place upgrade option. However, if it's easy for you to move sites to another VPS then it's no problem really.

Where you able to fix your issue with named?
Oh that's odd, maybe Debian is a better choice then because of the in place upgrade option. However, if it's easy for you to move sites to another VPS then it's no problem really.

Where you able to fix your issue with named?
I needed more time for that and just looked into it.

When I go to DNS management on admin level I see the domain
the local data however is set to no (can not change this) and local mail is set to yes.

The thing is that when I create a new zone it is set to 'no' local data and 'no' local mail.
And I do not see where I can change this. I think both has to be set to yes. But where can I do this?
So I am afraid to delete it..
Can I change these settings?
the local data however is set to no (can not change this) and local mail is set to yes.
That is correct, for the hostname it should be this way, as the hostname should be able to send mail, but should not contain any other data.
So do not change this, this is how it should be, that is default, so don't worry.
This worked by the way! Thanks again!
There you go... it does not find the file while it should

How did you create your hostname in DNS? Only changing in DA itself is not enough.

Login to DA as admin and go to DNS administration. Check if you have a in there, if yes delete it.
After that create it again. If you do -not- have it in there, then create it.

Please post any error output you encount when doing this, if any.
Folks, so do you suggest until I am ready to configure DNS for my system, named won't need to be running anyway?

But it will 'read' the fact that I added a domain?
And e.g. using external DNS, I made an A record directing to my system?
Or will it need any kind of named config for that?
Folks, so do you suggest until I am ready to configure DNS for my system, named won't need to be running anyway?
Hello there.
Best is to create a new thread if you have a seperate question and not the same issue/error as in another thread like here.

To answer your question quickly, yes named need to be running anyway, it's required by Directadmin, also if you have external DNS.
Indeed you point your external A record for example to your server, but how should your server know to which domain it should direct the traffic in that case?
That is where the local named service comes into effect. So yes it needs to be running, if I'm correct Directdadmin will install it for you anyway, but you don't need to do anything with it until you start running your own nameservers.