Set default mail sending domain


Verified User
Aug 7, 2021
Hey Guys,

I have an issue with the mail sending.
So when you use the "mail()" php function it will automatically send using "[email protected]" however if the user change it to send via it's domain it makes the following.
[email protected] (sent via [email protected] from [email protected]). Why does it do this? Why doesn't it send it simply using [email protected] and is it possible to change that by default it doesn't send it with "[email protected]" but with for example [email protected]?
I don't want it to use my server hostname to send a mail...

Thanks for your replies
Use script with SMPT authentication, not just replace FROM field.
Well, the problem with it is that I want my users to not have to do that, it complicates everything sadly.
How is it set from which domain by default it comes out?
Depends on what script you are using. Some scripts do it nicely. Some scripts have the option to use the -f parameter so the domain name is used.
Do you use the newest Spamblocker exim.conf version? Would be 4.5.35. Because that normally prevents this from happening.

If you do and still have that issue, you might want to have a look at this, a bit old but might be still goed.
The first two lines however are already present in the newest exim.conf files so that's why I think you might running an older one.

Ah I found just the thread for this with an addition: