setting the SSL directory to public_html


Verified User
Jul 8, 2003
So I'm setting up my sites and I find that DA sets the SSL directory to private_html. Now the most common setup for a website is to have everything in one directory and you just point to https when you want secure. Having a separate directory is uncommon at best.

If this must be done like, at least give us the option to use private_html or leave in public_html.
The Solution

John has helped me with this.
Here is what you can do.

If you don't have any files in your private_html folder, the easiest solution would be to create a sym link from private_html to public_html by doing the following:

cd /home/username/
rm -rf private_html
ln -s public_html private_html
Trying to do this but get command not found

Im trying to do excatly the same thing I go to the domain that I need to change and type:

"ln -s public_html private_html"

im not typing the quotes just whats in between them.

and i get -bash: In: command not found

What am I missing?


That's a lower case "L", not an upper case "I".

"ln" is unix shorthand for "link" :) .

It's ell enn... not eye enn

LN and not IN (but lower case)

actual syntax is: ln (all lower case)


do I need to restart the server or any processes after creating the link?

also will I get any conformation code or response in putty that lets me know it worked?

last but not least is there a way to list all sym links that are in effect in case I want to remove it?

A restart should not be needed.

It won't say anything if it worked. You can double check your settings by running:

ls -l

(ell ess dash ell :))
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Nov  1 00:20 logs
lrwxrwxrwx    1 admin   admin           11 Mar 23 13:59 private_html -> public_html
drwx--x--x    3 admin    admin        4096 Jul 16  2003 public_ftp
drwxr-xr-x    3 admin    admin        4096 Jul 16  2003 public_html
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         4096 Jul 17  2003 stats
to dump out all symlinks, you can just run:
ls -Rl /home/*/domains/* | grep lrwxrwxrwx
Just copy/paste that command as it would take a while to spell out phonetically :D

Re: The Solution

jdlitson said:
John has helped me with this.
Here is what you can do.

First time here. I understand your post here but I do not have access to SSH. Is it possible to do the same via the DA reseller or user interface?

Goto your "User" panel and then if click domain administration then click the domain you want to link private_html to the public_html and if you have Secure SSL enabled you should have the option just underneath.

GranTW said:

Goto your "User" panel and then if click domain administration then click the domain you want to link private_html to the public_html and if you have Secure SSL enabled you should have the option just underneath.


Hello Grant,
Thanks for taking the time to reply my post. Very much appreciated. Have a good day.