Setting up cronjob


Verified User
Mar 1, 2006
I have a resellerpackage, on this package i can use cronjobs but i cannot figure it out why it doesn't work

I want to run a cronjob at so that the mail from wordpress is automatic imported.

When i try to figure out which internal url it is i get:

1) What is the exact syntax for this cron ?
2) Must i use wget and where can i find wget ?
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I'm not sure what you're asking.

Are you asking one of us to learn how to use the package so we can teach you how to use it?

I'm not sure that's the purpose of a forum :eek: .

If one of us knew, I'd bet you'd get a response.

Hi Jeff,

The question is how to setup a cronjob.

I lease plesk and directadmin servers and on the pleskserver i got the cronjob up and running.

On directadmin i don't get the cronjob to work so i hoped that i have some help on the directadmin forum on how to setup a cronjob
The man 5 crontab command gives you the layout of the crontab line.

And anything you reference from a cronjob must have a complete path from the server root.

You can set the crontab line from the DirectAdmin interface. Other than that, I don't know what to write without a specific question.
