Setting up DA for sub domains


New member
Apr 3, 2006
I can not organise DA accounts to point to sub domains though and it is really annoying me. I'll explain further, If I set up a DA account with the sub domain as the domain in the "enter domain" there is never any resoloution of the name, yes the account is created but it doesn't attach itself to the sub domain folder. Instead it creates its own space that has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL SUB DOMAIN. The DA works fine but the two paths never cross, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP
What you're doing is creating a domain with the name of a subdomain; for example,

This gives you all the benefits of a real domain without having a new domain.

If you don't need all the benefits of a real domain (email addresses, etc.) you should set up a subdomain under your domain, instead of a new domain as a subdomain.

If you need or want to create subdomains as new domains then, if the DNS for the parent domain isn't hosted on your server you'll have to either make yourself, or have someone else make, changes to the DNS for the parent domain to point to the site.

You can either set up all the DNS for the subdomain on the parent site DNS server, or assign nameservers to the subdomain in the parent zone on the parent site DNS server.

DA can't do this becaue it can't log in to the parent's site DNS server.
