Several Issue


New member
Feb 2, 2012
I'm using DA in a 1GB/60GB XEN box. I'm facing several issues.
  • Admin backup isn't working. Just getting an error message
  • Dabase backup is not working from mysql management
  • No PHP script cannot backup database which I used in other servers
  • System Backup is also not functional

I'm a new DA user. Please help me.
After turning on debug, I've tried to download database file, debug result was ....

 1: Accept: */*
 2: Cookie: __utma=43623204.1573531618.1347417828.1348245887.1348329251.56; __utmz=43623
204.1347417828.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); wp-settings-20=editor%
3Dtinymce%26tml0%3D4%26tml1%3D7%26wplink%3D1%26cats%3Dpop; wp-settings-time-20=134812907
6; wordpress_logged_in_1953a4216e2f9c9d1b0e1ff036a47cc1=adminuser%7C1349182456%7Cb5b1248cd6
7fa976b32a05d053d1a1b8; __utmb=43623204.2.10.1348329251; __utmc=43623204; session=qy1mZz
 3: Host:
 4: Referer:
 5: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0
Checking referer to
Referer check passed: 2222/CMD_DB?dom=2222
download gz sql backup: /usr/bin/mysqldump  --defaults-extra-file=/usr/local/directadmin
/conf/my.cnf --host=localhost --add-drop-table --create-options --extended-insert --quic
k --quote-names --no-create-db admin_maindb  | /usr/bin/gzip > /home/tmp/admin_maindb.gz
mysqldump: Error: 'Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_523_2.MYI' (Errcode: 13)' when
trying to dump tablespaces
mysqldump: Couldn't execute 'show fields from `wp_commentmeta`': Can't create/write to
file '/tmp/#sql_523_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13) (1)
Command::doCommand(/CMD_DB/admin_maindb.gz) : finished
Command::run: finished /CMD_DB/admin_maindb.gz

User Level page:
', int *child_pid, *snd, group=(null)) uid=501 gid=502
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be

Admin Backup page:
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be
Cannot find first space after where GET or POST should be
Sockets::handshake - begin
Sockets::handshake - end
 0: Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
 1: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
 2: Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
 3: Connection: keep-alive
 4: Content-Length: 451
 5: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 6: Cookie: __utma=43623204.1573531618.1347417828.1348245887.1348329251.56; __utmz=43623
204.1347417828.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); wp-settings-20=editor%
3Dtinymce%26tml0%3D4%26tml1%3D7%26wplink%3D1%26cats%3Dpop; wp-settings-time-20=134812907
6; wordpress_logged_in_1953a4216e2f9c9d1b0e1ff036a47cc1=adminuser%7C1349182456%7Cb5b1248cd6
7fa976b32a05d053d1a1b8; __utmb=43623204.2.10.1348329251; __utmc=43623204; session=qy1mZz
 7: Host:
 8: Referer:
 9: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0
Post string: action=create&form_version=2&who=all&selectcreator=admin&when=now&minute=0&

Should I reinstall DA?
Admin backup isn't working. Just getting an error message
What error message?
Dabase backup is not working from mysql management
What is occurring? Are you getting an error? Describe in detail.
No PHP script cannot backup database which I used in other servers
What errors?
System Backup is also not functional
You shouldn't be using it anyway, but what happens when you try to use it?

Is something wrong with your /tmp folder? Make sure it has permissions 777.