Several issues with Awstats


Verified User
Feb 16, 2006
Ok last night I decided to disable the plugin and install the DirectAdmin version of the stats. I have several issues that are bothering me and I hope someone can help out.

1- ALL of the previous stats are gone. How can I recover the stats that were in there before. I figured that all of the apache logs would be there, so when I ran the task it would update all of the stats. My customers are going to be real mad if I can't get the old stats recovered :(

2- The stats are no longer secure. Everything is publicly accessible, which I'd rather have each of the stats pages secured.

3- It seems the that AWstats 6.9 that was installed with custombuild has no features. It is now single pane, the IP reverse lookups aren't working, and seems less featured than the 6.7 I was running with the plugin.

I'd like to get it working the way I want using the DA integrated one, so upgrades to future AWstats versions are easier. If I can't get it working, I guess I'd have to go back to using the plugin again (Yes, I tried this once before and wasn't able to get it working because I canceled the stats update because I was getting nervous about losing stats), and try and upgrade the awstats in the plugin to 6.9.

Please help if you can, I'd like to get this fixed before the weekend is over.

Thanks so much in advance! :)
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Thanks for the help! While I was waiting for a response I re-enabled the plugin and ran it's update. It successfully updated to 6.9, so unless there is some pressing reason to use the DA version, I think I'll switch everything back to the plugin.

I can't seem to find the configs for the DA version.

I mean, in your opinion, what do you think I should do? Stay with the DA plugin and work out the security and configuration issues along with trying to recover the old stats?
Well I did a little more research and I see what you mean about only accessing it through the DA panel.

Also the link you gave me doesn't provide any information on getting the statistics that the plugin generated...

On a side note when I try to use the plugin now, it give me an error when I try to go to, saying that there isn't a There is a file, so I don't understand why it wouldn't strip the www off before looking for the conf file. Using doesn't work because I use mod_rewrite to add the www for SEO purposes.


Thanks and sorry for so many questions.
Ok, I'll keep posting as I keep working on this...

I copied the file, from directory where the plugin kept its stats into .data where the DA version keeps its stats, and ran and sure enough it updated the current stats to reflect those of the plugin.

I think I am on the right track here. In order for me to use the DA version, these are what I believe need to happen:

* Copy all stats txt files from /etc/awstats to the .data folder of the domain.
* Somehow run awstats to create the html static pages for the previous txt stats
* Configure AWstats to allow viewing of previous months with dropdown box (like plugin)

Again am I wasting my time doing all this? Should I just go back to my plugin setup and fix the issues with that? I suppose the main question is using static html files vs the CGI script...
I'll keep looking... at least this isn't a critical issue... One other thing I need to make sure is that all new users get set up correctly also.
hi there,

so im looking to load in some existing awstats data from a cpanel migration. Can you please provide some more information on how you managed to do this.

ive got the awstats text files from my old server, id like to bring onto the DA server. but for the life of me i cannot work out how.

im using the direct admin integrated version. not the plugin version of awstats

Which of the awstats (not official) plugins is the one that work best?

Which of the awstats (not official) plugins is the one that work best?
I am planning to rebuild Directadmin without the included awstats features...