Several problems after new install with old backup

Krijn Tanis

New member
Aug 27, 2008
Because of some problems with my former hosting provider, where I hired a dedicated server, I had to move to another provider. I also hire there a dedicated server with DA on it. At the installation of the serve, I uploaded the most recent backup I got from my old server. But there are some minor issues (software) with my server:

1. All the mail says in the que forever. When the server can not deliver the mail, it will keep trying forever. Mails like 'Warning: message 1KRjf4-000142-AS delayed 408 hours' or more hours are not strange. Normally after a couple of retries, a mail times out an will be removed from the que.
2. The public_html doesn't work good. When I log in to a FTP, I come in the root for that user. When I go to the public_html I can put files there, but they don't show up on the website. When I access the public_html dir trought /domains/ I come in the right public_html dir. 3. Webalizer doesn't work anymore.

Thank you for your help!
What OS have you now and what did you have before, they differ in many ways regarding where the domain base is in the file system which I suppose could cause a problem with a backup if you see my point.

Usually the default path on ftp login will be at the web root, usually you can set the path you ftp to when you login in the clients settings.

If your using a ftp client try a refresh after uploading or look in the settings for auto refresh after upload.

Not sure about the mail problem, maybe a corrupt backup?

Thank you both for your answers.

Usually the default path on ftp login will be at the web root, usually you can set the path you ftp to when you login in the clients settings.
This is not what I mean. Please refer to the original question, it doesn't have something to do with the root dir. But there is always a public_html dir in the root. Usually this is the same dir as the public_html dir that is listed under the domains dir. But after installation of the new server and the backup, it is a different dir.

None of that steps did work for me, because it is not a DNS problem for example. The problem is that mail hangs in the que forever and never times out.

What do you mean by "doesn't work anymore."? Do you mean it was working and now it is not? Any error message(s) in the log file(s)?
It never worked on the new server, but I will investigate that, maybe there is a prblem with the installation.

OS is Fedora Core 8 now, on old server Core 4 or 5
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1. All the mail says in the que forever. When the server can not deliver the mail, it will keep trying forever. Mails like 'Warning: message 1KRjf4-000142-AS delayed 408 hours' or more hours are not strange. Normally after a couple of retries, a mail times out an will be removed from the que.
Outgoing email or incoming email? If incoming email there will be error messages in the queue that will be more specific, for example something about being out of space or wrong permissions.

If outgoing email it's generallly a problem with local DNS resolver is not able to find sites; try to do an nslookup from your shell to see if your local DNS is working.
2. The public_html doesn't work good. When I log in to a FTP, I come in the root for that user. When I go to the public_html I can put files there, but they don't show up on the website. When I access the public_html dir trought /domains/ I come in the right public_html dir.
Which is the way it should work under certain DirectAdmin setups; it appears your old server and new server are using different setups.

See if this helps.
3. Webalizer doesn't work anymore.
Check these forums to see if anyone else has reported this problem; if not you may want to check with DirectAdmin Support.
