Shared IP Page


Verified User
Oct 12, 2003
I have a shared IP on my server, and DA has a page that you can set for it to show if someone tries to access the IP. How ever, when I access the IP through the web, all I get is "Apache is functioning normally" which is not the page I have set.

I think it has to do with permissions, but I can be wrong.

Any ideas?

I don't know if it's the same with FreeBSD since I do not know what you are using, but I think you need to edit the pages at /var/www/html/.
This is the place where the page of the first shared IP goes. Haven't tried other IP's yet...

Normally you should remove the index.html page and add something else here, like a index.php which relays a user to your own webpage ;)
AtomicRax said:
I have a shared IP on my server, and DA has a page that you can set for it to show if someone tries to access the IP. How ever, when I access the IP through the web, all I get is "Apache is functioning normally" which is not the page I have set.

I think it has to do with permissions, but I can be wrong.

Any ideas?


A users domain can be previewed through



is equal to:


(as icheb pointed out)

If you want to change what is shown on the file simply edit the index file in /var/www/html.


sharedip is for when you access the IP with ... if the sharedip virtualhost didn't exist, then you'd see the first website that was setup in the httpd.conf files.
