Shared IP SSL Cert


Verified User
Oct 1, 2003
I attempted to add an SSL cert that's using a shared IP and the server spit back that I couldn't... Is there a work around for this?
Shared IP's use the shared server certificate. The reason you can't have a custom certificate on a shared IP is because the ssl connection is made before the domain you are accessing is passed to apache. It's similar to the "chicken and the egg" scenario, in that you need to know the domain so you can get the certificate, but you need to certificate to make the connectin before you can pass the domain :)

So you mean Plan "B"

Okay, so now that I know that, I guess I have to go to plan "B"... move the site to a seperate IP.

Is there an easy way to do this?

Besides creating a new user and assigning the ip them... deleting the old domain and then creating a new domain under the new user with the dedicated IP... and uploading the content there?

This user has 6 domains... that might be a pain... but if there's no other way....

B.T.W.... Thanks for the help John

You can have several domains on the same IP if they're under the same same user, and the IP is owned by that User. All you need to do it go to:

Reseller Panel -> List / Modify Users -> username -> modify user username -> and change his IP to a Free One.

This will assign him his own IP and then he can add 1 certificate which will be used on all domains on that IP.

Worked like a champ.. SSL Cert info comes up now. But I'm getting some DNS errors... on one of the sites, when I type in the address, I get the shared IP error screen... but if I type the address, I get the site?

Any Ideas?

Nevermind... I was a victime of ISP DNS cache"ing"... It works fine just like John said it would... :-)

Thanks Easter Bunny!!!

Patience my child... Patience
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If the user has more domains under which domain should you install the certificate then?
It would be the main domain (which ever domain has been created first). If you want to change the main domain, you can do it here:

User Panel -> Domain Administration (assuming multiple domains) -> select the domain -> click "Set As Default".
