show apache threads


Verified User
Sep 5, 2006

I'm currently having some problems with my DA machine while it normally runs fine.

The situation is that today the load of the server rockets skyhigh (10+) by some sort of process. Strangly enough, when checking 'top' there isn't a process listed which drains the entire CPU / mem. The CPU is doing a simple 10 to 20 % and I have 700 Mb of 1 Gb free mem. But still, the load is still very high.

But, when I stop the apache service, the load collapsed returning to values which I would see on an average day (say 0.5 to 1).

The high load is not all the time, but it goes with fluctuations.

Since the process itself causing the load cannot be seen within 'top', I'm looking for a tool which will show all open apache threads. I have seen such thing once, a webinterface showing what httpd is doing. Does anybody know which tool this is (or has any other possible solution for tracking down the cause of the problem)

Many thanks !

Did you mean extended server status?

Like this in httpd.conf

ExtendedStatus On
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
order deny,allow
allow from YOUR-IP-HERE
deny from all

Then you go to
That's it !

Hehe, kinda stupid, but it's hard to find such things when you don't know what's it called.

Thanks !!