Show the proper number of accounts on the server?


Verified User
Oct 19, 2006
My server has well over 5000 accounts on it under one reseller (in total). The home page of directadmin only displays 1356 and does not always update when I blast accounts. Not every account counts as 1 it would seem. Has anyone else had this issue, and is their a fix for it ? Currently I am running on ver. 1. 28.6
GTFO said:
My server has well over 5000 accounts on it under one reseller (in total). The home page of directadmin only displays 1356 and does not always update when I blast accounts. Not every account counts as 1 it would seem. Has anyone else had this issue, and is their a fix for it ? Currently I am running on ver. 1. 28.6

OMG!! 5,000 accounts? Glad I'm not hosting on your box.
There are lots of legitimate reasons to have one server serve thousands of accounts.

We've set up some that way for some of our clients.

We have been maintaining clients server for over 8yrs. Everytime we get a new client those that are having all kinds of issues on their servers are always the ones who have stacked their boxes full of user accounts.

We have one client in Denmark. He is always wondering why his running out of disk space and dealing with massive amounts of spam and load issues even on a dual Xeon. Its because he has over 900 websites on the box. Not to mention 900 user log files, 900 of everything yet these sites are simple redirects and nothing more. 900 is ridiculous but 5K of sites is even more unbelievable. The client is now getting ready to split 900 sites between two new boxes. An end to the maintenenace nightmare for us and the start of a better preforming server for him.

Even if every site was a redirect, 5k in sites would be an absolutely maintenance nighmare not to mention the smallest of dictionary mail attacks would bring that box down faster than anything. I wonder how you backup 5k in sites. It must be a 24hr fiesta.

I could never see the validy behind this. Either your running a hosting company or your running a myspace site. Who knows, but some people will never learn and will never admit to the truth.
pucky said:
Either your running a hosting company or your running a myspace site. Who knows, but some people will never learn and will never admit to the truth.
Or you're running one of many other scenarios, some of which are quite valid. I'm not going to disclose any of them because to do so could be a violation of my privacy agreements with my clients. But you're missing a lot.
