Simple billing sys required


Verified User
Jan 22, 2006
Hi - I am not going to be offering commercial hosting...just yet
I have bought a dedicated and put da on it - which I love by the way!

I will have 400 sites to transfer over to the new server and add any new ones..

What i need is SIMPLE billing integration, perhaps something that will run in admin mode - eg. recurring invoice(s) that can be assigned to resellers and users...
Will list all due invoices, give the option to print etc, show outstanding..

Ive had a quick look at modernbill and AWBS and a couple of others - they seem to be more for commercial hosting companies - we are a web design company that need an efficient hosting and billing solution
any ideas?


As a web designer you may want to bill for your design work and perhaps other hourly charges as well.

Generally you can't do that with any billing programs designed to be used with DirectAdmin.

We're in that position and are currently examining Second Site.

Note that it doesn't integrate with DA, and that it doesn't integrate with all Credit Card solutions.

There's quickbooks, but I wouldn't necassarily call it simple. You would have to provision hosting accounts manually, but you can generate invoices, keep track of time, jobs, estimates, customers, and so on in it as well as accept credit card payments...
Payment Sys

Hi all - I thought I had replied to your posts going to give Internet Manager a try - looks like it will do what i want - will keep u all informed

Thanks Again