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I was just curious as to whether DirectAdmin supports Simple Scripts. If not, how would one go about integrating it and making it available to customers?
More expensive? Simple Scripts appears to be $15/year while Installatron is $50/year.SimpleScripts looks interesting, but it appears to be a lot more expensive than Installatron. So I didn't bother contacting them to tell them that perhaps they should look into supporting DirectAdmin.
That sounds significantly more expensive than $50 for a serverwide license.Questions about Money
SimpleScripts offers two plans. Choose the one that interests you.
End User Subscriptions
Our most popular option. You pay nothing, and the end user is given one free installation of up to 3 scripts. For upgrades and more advanced capabilities, the end user pays a yearly subscription of $15, out of which you recieve $5, paid on a monthly basis on any new qualifying user accounts (those with upgrade or overage usage).
Host Supplement
Under this plan, you'll be required to supplement the cost of each end user subscription at $5, billed on any new qualifying user accounts (those with upgrade or overage usage) set up each month. Your users will not be confronted with subscription messages, and you will have the distinction of having one of the few hosting plans with FREE SimpleScripts.
So it appears the integration is already done.SimpleScripts supports cPanel, Plesk, Interworx, DirectAdmin and ISPsystem right out of the box.