Since DA update to 1.47.0, my httpd processes are bugging me.


Verified User
Feb 22, 2012

I have problems with the amount of httpd processes and the memory they consume, since DA is updated to version 1.47.0.
Since this update I have to restart httpd through the Service Monitor within DA every few hours.
If I don't do this the websites aren't reachable anymore because the amount of processes are to high and the memory usage is around the 12 GB.

I never had this problem before until DA updated itself to version 1.47.0

Please advice

I hardly believe it's related to DA update. Unless you had a customized set of apache/nginx configs which you overwrote accidentally with directadmin update. How did you update DA? What commands did you run?

You should get your sever tunned and optimized, probably switch to CB 2.0 and use nginx+apache.

There are some guys here (including me) who can do that for you for an amount of money. So feel free to contact someone who'd you trust more for a quote.
Hi Alex,

I can't believe it either, that's the problem most time in the IT. The logical things are mostly not the answer.
It's a default CustomBuild 2.0 installation, with some minor changes for language, url and other things but nothing for apache.
Nothing special.

DA updates itself, the option auto update is enabled.

Are there some commands I can run to see what the biggest bottleneck is.
For example, many httpd processes with a total amount of 12 GB in Service Monitor for DirectAdmin can be related to for example MySQL.
MySQL virtual memory is running at 4 GB.

How can i see which website is creating the problem or any other tips?