Site Redirection


Verified User
Mar 2, 2005
Kingdom of Bahrain
Site Redirection error


any help
Site redirection is not designed to redirect to the same site. It's designed to redirect to another site.

To do what you want to do you need to create your own .htaccess file or php program running as index.php.


It is true that the site redirection does not work within the same domain however the Directamdin site-helper site suggests others wise. In the Site Redirection help page it says:

"Site redirection allows you to forward visitors to somewhere else on your site, or to another web site altogether."

This is obviously confusing customers.

We simply tell our customers to use the META REFRESH stag to redirect to elsewhere in same site.

The DirectAdmin guys need to update the page on the site-helper si page to avoid this confusion.


Neil :-)
jlasman said:
Site redirection is not designed to redirect to the same site. It's designed to redirect to another site.

To do what you want to do you need to create your own .htaccess file or php program running as index.php.

Just spent an hour trying to get the Redirect to do exatly the same thing, before having the wit to come here and search.

I have a client who has built his site on Joomla, located in

The index page at is still the default page. Now he's ready to go live he wants any user who goes to to be automatically forwarded to

I think I understand the idea of the index.php. I assume he deletes the index.html and the index.php forwards all visitors to the correct folder but have no idea what code he needs in that index.php file to achieve the automatic forwarding to the correct directory.

I'd be grateful for a sample script to put in there. Or any other way of achieving the same thing.


PS ...
We simply tell our customers to use the META REFRESH stag to redirect to elsewhere in same site.
sorry, that went over my head. :(
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I recommend using the htaccess method as suggested by jlasman, as that is a transparent redirect where as using the meta refresh tag is not always an instant redirect and therefore the user may see, for a split second, the index file. If this isnt a problem then the meta refresh option is easier to implement.


Neil :D
Thanks Neil. I did it the easy way and it appears to be working nicely.

I will have a look at the htaccess method but as this is new ground for me and yours was easy I took the soft option for now.

This is one of those things I've come across several times but never got round to searching for a smart way round it. Glad I asked here now - I bet there are lots of people who'll want this.