Sites inaccessible, except NS one


Verified User
Apr 24, 2011
I am moving from a VPS to a dedicated server. I remember having a similar issue when I first set up the VPS, sadly I can't remember how I fixed it.

My nameservers are

The domain name is accessible.

Every other domain name I have created on the server are inaccessible.

The domain I am currently focusing on trying to get working is

I have the nameservers entered into admin settings, I have the DNS setup in DA and I have confirmed they're correct when compared to the ones on my VPS (Obviously I have used the Dedi's IP)

I've even tried reinstalling the OS & DA incase I screwed something.

I've tried to run DNS tests on, but as I am still very new to configuring servers, I haven't got the best understanding of what might be going wrong etc.

When I had the problem before, I remember it was related to IPtables. Sadly I can't remember the rule I added to fix it, and I can't find any difference between my Dedicated servers IPtables and my VPS one.

I know I'm missing something, but I can't work out what.

Any suggestions would be a great help.
ugh sorry for the double post.

The DNS will show the same IP for both nameservers. This is as I only have 1 IP, and worked perfectly fine on my VPS, as well as when I was using resellers etc.