Skin - Problem API


Verified User
Aug 21, 2012

I speak French, sorry for my bad english.

I DirectAdmin with CentOS 6 (64 bit)

I bought the theme Capri and I installed (

There is a tab at the top right to change the language (

Support the theme tells me that this is a problem in DirectAdmin.

Hello Sr,

The directadmin API is not working on your installation, if you access http://xx.xx.xx.xx.xx:2222/HTM_AJAX_CHANGE_LANG?lang=en (after login) using Capri skin, you will get a login page instead of the intented page.
The function that triggers the API is the one provided by directadmin.

Do you have an idea or it comes from and how to fix.

Thank you for your help
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It seems to me, that default DA skin has no HTM_AJAX_CHANGE_LANG, so I guess, it's Capri skin issue.

Anyway check directadmin logs, and/or enable directamin into debug and see the output.
HTM_AJAX_CHANGE_LANG is just a page, as the skin tutorial said, you can create your own page.
That page just call the API CMD_API_CHANGE_INFO, but in his server that api return an html login screen instead of the api result.

I can not ask directadmin support for that because it is working on my servers
So the issue is a particular case of the author, and has nothing to do directly with either Capri Skin or directadmin?

I did not find any mention of HTM_AJAX_CHANGE_LANG on with Google (except this thread). So I guess it Capri Skin tutorial which you mean, right?