Slow server and directadmin after attak


New member
Sep 7, 2009
France (Metz)
Hello, last night I was attacked server phpmyadmin. I'm hosting a French OVH.
All servers have summers cut, but I managed to get everything started.
Since my server is very slow, DirectAdmin also.
I wonder if someone could look at my server, tell me if everything is updated and correct concerns slow.
Thank you

French : Bonjour, hier soir j'ai subit une attaque serveur sur phpmyadmin. Je suis chez OVH un hébergeur français.
Tous les serveurs ont étés coupés, mais j'ai réussi à remettre tout en route.
Depuis mon serveur est très lent, directadmin aussi.
Je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait regarder mon serveur, me dire si tout est a jour et corriger les soucis de lenteur.

Send me a MP or sebastien.politi[at]gmail[dot}com
I'm on your website and it's working fine, this morning I saw at OVH forums that last nights they have a massive attack to some servers and to prevent this, OVH was accesing via SSH to the servers ho has SSH key to look for the problem, it's a problem with the MySQL Server, ¿maybe your kernel and MySQL software is outdated?