Small problem with custombuild 2.0


Verified User
May 10, 2004

When do a ./build update I get this:

exim.conf 4.3.0-alpha2 to 4.3.0 update is available

And when I run './build exim_conf' and after './build versions' I get the same message. Tried to downgrade to the 4.2.2 version and upgrade after without success.

Besides this, also found a little problem with the '/etc/exim.variables.conf.custom' file, on that file I have only defined the variable 'disable_ipv6 = true'. When I try to restart exim responds with the following error:

Starting exim: 2014-11-12 02:25:15 Exim configuration error in line 1 of /etc/exim.variables.conf.custom:
"disable_ipv6" option set for the second time

Furthermore, in the '/etc/exim.strings.conf.custom' file, I had to change all the symbols '=' with '==' to avoid the following error:

Starting exim: 2014-11-12 01:43:39 Exim configuration error:
macro "ONLY_ONE_AUTH_PER_CONN" is already defined (use "==" if you want to redefine it

Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for the report.

1) I've changed the exim.conf to show 4.3.0, and added alpha-2 to the next line. I debated hard about actually using the proper 4.3.0-alpha2 version throughout, but since there should be numerous updates, and the current version/update system is quite basic, I'll leave it with the more simplified version for now. Once it's "stable", it will do the proper version checks, as reported by CB2. For now, if you need an update, then ./build update; ./build exim_conf should be enough, but ./build versions might not notice the new alpha version.

2) That's for the report of non-allowed duplicate settings, I wasn't aware of that when I coded the custom file, and failed to test it out. We'll need to rethink/design how we do custom variables.
Possibly an exim.variables.conf.default, and exim.variables.conf.custom for you, and then DA itself would read both, merge, and then write exim.variables.conf.
For now, just manually change the exim.variables.conf until we can sort out a better method.

3) The == trick should work for the strings, I'll need to add that into the documentation.
